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Thorough-feed drilling machine KM 7-2-2T

The KM 7-2-2T is a thorough-feed drilling machine with input connecting conveyor. The input connecting conveyor can be used to connect two thorough-feed drilling machines into a line. The input connecting conveyor is on wheels and can be removed from the line, so that each thorough-feed drilling machine can be operated individually.

The KM 7-2-2T is mostly used for drilling flat furniture elements. The machine has 7 lower vertical, 2 upper and 2 lateral horizontal supports. The elements are fed into the machine automatically with the basic conveyors and the positioning system.


  • highly productive drilling machine
  • possible to use in line or independently
  • quick and precise settings
  • rigid construction of drilling aggregates
  • possible to install additional vertical supports
  • suitable for both standard or specialised drill heads

Optionally, the following devices can be installed into the machine:

  • an automatic feeding device for narrow elements
  • input and output conveyors (independent or integrated into the machine’s standard conveyor)
  • additional central conveyor or roller conveyor for narrow and long elements
  • dust conveyor belt
  • horizontal drill heads that can be separated and moved apart
  • special drill heads



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